How to change the function of the power button

Windows_Aug26_COnce a computer is switched on, the machine’s power button is pretty much forgotten until the next morning, when it’s time to turn it on again. Most Windows PC users aren’t aware that the power button can be configured to take one of four different actions.

The available actions are very similar to what we see under the “shut down” menu:

  1. Turn off – This will tell your system to shut down.
  2. Sleep – This will put your computer to sleep.
  3. Hibernate – This will power down your computer, while remembering the programs you had open. When you wake up the computer, the programs will be reopened as well.
  4. Do nothing!

How to configure the power button on Windows 8

  • Open the Settings charm by either moving your mouse to the top-right corner and selecting Settings or pressing the Windows key+C.
  • Click on Control Panel and search for power or power button. Select Change what the power buttons do.

In the window that opens, you should see two options beside When I press the power button. One will be On battery and the other Plugged in if you have a laptop. Desktop users should only see the Plugged in category. If you click on the drop-down box in this section, you will be able to select what pressing the power button does when pressed. Pressing Save changes will implement the selection.

How to configure the power button on Windows 7

  • Click on the Windows Orb (i.e. the “start button”) at the bottom left of your screen.
  • Select Control Panel and search for power or power button in the Search bar at the top-right of the window. Select Change what the power buttons do.

In the window that opens, you should see two options beside When I press the power button. One will be On battery and the other Plugged in if you have a laptop. Desktop users should only see the Plugged in category. If you click on the drop-down box in this section, you will be able to select what action the power button performs when pressed. Press Save changes to implement your selection.

After making any changes to what the power button does, it is a good idea to ensure that it is working properly. Save all of your work and then press the button to see what happens.


Published with permission from Source.

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