500 Million Tweeters Tweeting Tweets

In late February 2012, Twitter hit 500 million users. This milestone has cemented Twitter as a major Social Media player. With this large user base, companies should be seriously considering integrating twitter with their marketing strategies. Benefits of integration include increased followers, brand awareness, and potentially a better bottom line. Here are some tips for increasing your followers.

Search for companies and people you know
While it’s easy to use the search function in Twitter, it can be time consuming to search for people one by one. Instead:

  1. Log into your Twitter account
  2. Press the # Discover button at the top of the page
  3. Press Find Friends
  4. Log into the various accounts available
  5. Add people as followers

This is a great way to rapidly increase your followers, and reconnect with customers and contacts you may have lost contact with.

Combine your Twitter and Facebook feeds
You can combine your Twitter and Facebook feeds easily:

  1. Log into your Twitter account
  2. Select Profile Settings
  3. Select Profile
  4. Select Post your tweets to Facebook
  5. Follow the instructions provided

Within minutes, your Tweets will show up in your Facebook status, enabling you to reach two platforms simultaneously. Be warned, this could spam your followers, causing them to stop following you – so it’s best to keep your Tweets or status updates to the most important information.

Join Twitter Ads for Small Business
This recently announced service will be up and running soon, allowing small business owners to advertise on Twitter through Promoted Tweets. This service will be released in the near future, enabling businesses of all sizes to advertise.

If you are not on Twitter, would like to join, or know more please contact us.

Published with permission from TechAdvisory.org. Source.

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