FOCUS on TECH – Understand Your Risk

FOCUS on TECH – Understand Your Risk

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Understand Your Risk

If you are an employer and you have people working from home on a computer that you have provided them on their home network… they are at risk and your organization is at risk.

Home networks are generally not protected and easy to exploit.

Understand YOUR Risk.

Take Proper Action.

If you’re going to keep people working from home, which we encourage that you do, then do the right thing and do what it takes to keep them secure.

We can prevent this risk by doing our part!

Do Your Part!

One of the ways that we are doing our part is by raising awareness through the Defeat The Breach Coalition.

Join us!

Focus on Tech is part of the Focus on Business TV show. The segment shared above features Jeff Dettloff. Focus on Business is presented by WLNS Channel 6 and is created in partnership with Inverve Marketing, Inc and the Small Business Association of Michigan.
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