5 virtualization benefits for companies

Virtualization_May22_CYou simply can’t get much accomplished in business today without computers. Most workers use some type of software or online resource as a daily part of their job. Where this gets problematic is the fact that computer and server hardware is constantly evolving, and keeping the systems up-to-date is costly. This is why an idea like virtualization can seem so appealing.

Virtualization is the act of taking an existing system, say a server, and creating a virtual copy of it that is hosted either in a physical unit or somewhere outside of the office. Desktop computers, operating systems, servers, hardware and storage are all candidates for virtualization. Most small businesses moving into virtualization start with storage and servers first, as these portions of your systems can usually be done with relative ease and at an affordable cost.

Benefits of virtualization
The question most business owners ask when they are looking into virtualization is “what benefits it can bring?” While the positives are numerous, here are the five most common:

1. Reduced space
Physical hardware can take up a lot of space, and it is common today to find that the office space allotted per person is shrinking in order to save costs. For example, if you virtualize your servers, you can probably fit all of them onto one or two units. This will reduce the space your hardware takes up, freeing up extra storage capacity or possibly providing space for another desk.

2. Reduced overhead
Having hardware and servers in an office can be expensive to maintain. There will be costs involved in the physical upkeep of the machines, and big servers create a lot of heat, meaning that you have to spend more on climate control. Virtualization will often reduce overhead costs by eliminating much of your hardware, which will save you money. Beyond that, many solutions offer a pay-per-use pricing model which makes predicting costs easier.

3. Quicker backup and recovery
Virtualization solution providers usually also offer backup services that can be automated. This means that your vital data is always backed up and protected. Beyond that, the backups can be stored at a different location, meaning that if there is a disaster, you can recover lost data quickly and easily.

4. Longer hardware replacement cycles
Virtualized solutions and platforms often require lower computing resources because they are hosted on the provider’s servers. This means that you won’t have to replace existing tech hardware. This also allows you to save money by using existing systems for longer periods of time.

5. Virtualization is scalable
If your company is growing, you will eventually have to add new systems. In an already cramped office this means finding the space for hardware or servers needed to support your growth, along with making an investment in systems that are compatible with existing hardware. Virtualization, on the other hand, is highly scalable and can grow with your company, often without the need for extra services.

In general, virtualization can help your business grow while helping to stabilize or even reduce IT costs. If you would like to learn more about how virtualization of your systems can help your company, contact us today.

Published with permission from TechAdvisory.org. Source.

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