Providence Has Moved!

As many of you know, Providence moved into a new location in April. We miss being in downtown Lansing, but new VP of Sales & Operations Scott Zingery sums up the feelings of many of our staff members.

“I love our new location,” says Scott. “It’s great to have quick access to the office and not have to worry about parking. Plus, we’re right down the street from my favorite coffee shop, The Coffee Jam.”

The dust has settled and we’re getting comfortable in our new home, but we thought it couldn’t hurt to remind our customers and business partners about our new location one last time.

Effective since April 20, 2012, Providence’s new address is 530 S Creyts Rd, Lansing, MI 48917. Our phone numbers, email addresses, and other contact information remains unchanged. Please remember to update your contact information to reflect our new address!

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